ClutchCon2025 Sponsor Attendee Form Partner Registration Full Legal Name(Required) First Middle Last Phone Number(Required)Email(Required) Name to be reflected on your badge:(Required) Title to be reflected on your badge:(Required) Company:(Required) Sponsor Level:(Required) Bronze Gold Platinum Diamond Please upload the logo you would like used on social media and any/all on-site event marketing material(s).Max. file size: 50 MB.Confirm your arrival & badge pick up date:(Required) Tuesday, April 21st Wednesday, April 22nd Thursday, April 23rd Unsure Vendor Room Block (Hotel Details): SRP: ICLV | Group Code:AACV04(Required) Booking my stay at the Hilton Staying off-site Local / Commuting DIRECT LINK: the ClutchCon Gala Award Ceremony?(Required) Yes No Undecided – Interested in purchasing tickets at a later date (deadline of 4/1/2025). Do you plan on sponsoring/providing a Gala Ceremony giveaway prize?(Required) Yes No Each year after our Award Ceremony, we transition to a raffle giveaway. The eligible prize winners are all Clutch staff employees. Past year prize examples: Airpods, Apple Watch, IPad, Laptop, Gift Cards, 3-Day Vacation, etc. Prize value amounts range anywhere between $50-$3,500.Please describe the prize & value of which you are providing:(Required) I will confirm my giveaway prize by 4/1/2025 by informing and I agree.Do you have any dietary restrictions? Note that our Gala Award Ceremony meal will have pescetarian and vegan options.(Required) All sit-down ClutchCon meals except our Gala Reception are privately sponsored by our partners. Please check your sponsor level and our tentative agenda for further details on which (if any) meals you will be participating in. Snacks and grab & go options will be included for all sponsors throughout the event on Wednesday and Thursday in the Cavasson Center. Shipping & Materials:(Required) I agree to ship all items, including tradeshow and booth setup materials, no earlier than 14 days prior to the event. I will use the Clutch Solutions label on my package and clearly include my company name and sponsor level. At the conclusion of the event, I agree to either take all materials with me or bring a pre-printed return shipping label and arrange a pickup with FedEx from the Hilton. Please note that FedEx does not regularly visit the Hilton. You may leave packaged items with a printed return label at the Hilton, but it is your responsibility to ensure a scheduled pickup. Clutch Solutions and the Hilton are not responsible for any items left behind. For further shipping and material(s) inquiries, please reach out directly to Harold Fehr: / 480-500-7237.A detailed agenda will not be shared with all attendees on 4/1/2025. Until then, please see our tentative agenda on the ClutchCon2025 Landing Page.(Required) I understand.Attire:(Required) I agree to wearing business casual attire throughout ClutchCon, and buisness casual/formal attire at the Gala Award Ceremony.ClutchCon2025 Sponsor Consent and Agreement(Required) I have read, understand, and agree to the terms outlined above.By submitting this registration form, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms: Refunds will only be issued if Clutch Solutions cancels the event within one (1) month prior to the scheduled event date, and no other refunds will be provided after an invoice is issued and registration is completed. Full payment for the sponsorship must be made within twelve (12) business days following the conclusion of the event. Sponsors are required to have a representative present at the event and ensure that their vendor booth is staffed and actively managed throughout the event. Sponsors also agree to participate in all portions of the event that correspond to their sponsorship level, as outlined in the sponsor agenda provided by Clutch Solutions. Additionally, sponsors agree to adhere to Clutch Solutions’ 2025 material shipping guidelines, which have been updated and will be provided upon registration confirmation. By checking the box below, you confirm your understanding and agreement to these terms. Failure to comply with these terms may result in forfeiture of your sponsorship benefits without refund.Questions, comments, or concerns related to ClutchCon2025:CAPTCHA