Maybe you’re starting a regional logistics company. Or perhaps you’re expanding your medical practice to include new offices and partners. You know you don’t just want to order a bunch of computers from Amazon and try to set them up yourself. Nor do you want to invest in a large IT shop, if information technology isn’t one of your company’s core competencies.
No matter whether your business involves healthcare informatics or customer outreach and retention, if you rely on robust, secure, well-integrated IT systems, you need expert partnership as you build, maintain and secure your platforms. That’s where a value-added reseller (VAR) comes in.
As you select a VAR, look for the following qualities to make sure you’re getting robust service that’s right for your business:
1. Good Product Line
Find a VAR that sells quality equipment from major brands. They should have access to a wide selection of the industry-leading platforms and software typically used in your business.
2. Responsiveness
Your VAR should make it easy to order products, receive/commission software and hardware, and make tech support calls.
3. Industry Familiarity
Make sure your VAR knows your industry. Healthcare, finance and logistics, for example, all have very different legal and security requirements, as well as different physical footprints and Internet-of-Things needs.
4. Customer Focus
A great VAR wants to retain you as a long-term customer. They won’t upsell you in the short term. Instead, they’ll take the time to understand your business model. They’ll sell you the solution you need, not the one that lets them send the biggest invoice.
5. Forward Thinking
However, you do want your VAR to recommend systems and services that will grow with your business. These may take the form of mobile platforms that make it easy to push upgrades, or cloud data storage instead of capital investments in on-premise storage, if it’s appropriate to your business. As you plan for the future, you should be able to trust your VAR to be an important strategic partner for growth.
Are you ready to work with a technology solutions provider that can envision future-ready solutions for your business? Visit our home page today.