In the second half of November, Cisco announced a Webex fix to keep hackers out of meetings, Ars Technica reports. The Webex vulnerabilities allowed people to silently join meetings with just about full guest capabilities (listening, watching, recording, chatting, sharing screens), keep listening to the meetings after being discovered and ejected by the moderator, and obtain the names, email address and IP addresses of other meeting participants.
That’s scary. Armed with that information, a miscreant could spoof email and IP addresses and wreak havoc in a work setting, especially when trying to perform exploits against work-from-home staff.
If you use Webex, no doubt your IT staff or service is already working on obtaining updated software to keep your meetings safe. But what can you do to protect yourself and your workers going forward?
User Enterprise-Grade Software—and Its Features
Yes, the price point is higher, but the security features are more robust. And be sure to make use of those features, such as waiting rooms and meeting password protection.
Keep up-to-date with any patches and updates to your conferencing software.
Use the Most Minimal Format Necessary
According to Computerworld, you’re safest when you choose the least data-rich format needed. For instance, if you don’t need to see faces, opt for a voice call. If you can email a sensitive spreadsheet after a meeting or share it on your drive, you don’t need to include it on screen.
Partner With a Professional
You may have a professional IT Director, CISO or other staff member whose job it is to keep up with security vulnerabilities facing your company and apply the appropriate fixes. But in a small business with minimal in-house staffing, an off-site partner can be invaluable. A solutions-focused VAR can help you manage your security profile to keep your business communications—including meeting platforms—safe.
Are you ready to work with a technology solutions provider that can envision future-ready solutions for your business? Visit our home page today.